
Purpose: A response message containing an entity body must contain a Content-Type entity header field that correctly indicates the media type of the message body.

Test method

Execute the following Test Steps:

  • Send the following GetCapabilities request by GET: wfs.GetCapabilities.get.url?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WFS


  • Response complies to xml schema: for each the test steps
  • Response contains wfs:WFS_Capabilities for each the test steps
  • Response header contains response/headers/header[@name=‘Content-Type’]
  • Response header contenttype value is of type ‘text/xml’ or ‘application/xml’

Reference(s): OGC 05-008c1, 11.7, p.61

Test type: Automated


former ETS tc: wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Basic-GetCapabilities-tc11.1

Contextual XPath references

The namespace prefixes used as described in

Abbreviation XPath expression (relative to wfs:WFS_Capabilities)
wfs:WFS_Capabilities /wfs:WFS_Capabilities