Web Feature Service

ISSUE : 1.0.0

Copyright © 1999-2002 The Open Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


This document contains the assertertions for testing servers implementing the Web Feature Service 1.0.0 specification. This release includes the GetCapabilities and DescribeFeatureType tests.

For each assertion in the specifications, a corresponding entry in this test specification contains the following elements:

ID: The name by which the test is known
Class: An assertion Class as defined in IEEE Std 1003.3. These types are:
A A mandatory, testable assertion.
B A mandatory, but untestable assertion.
C An optional, testable assertion.
D An optional, but untestable assertion.
Scope: If an assertion is type C or D, this entry describes the option that needs to be supported in order to activate the test.
Text: The text of the assertion and a reference to the source specification from which the assertion is derived.
Note: Any supplementary information associated with the assertion. For example it may suggest a strategy for the test implementation of the assertion or it may propose rationale as to why a test is classified as untestable.

This specification uses the following conventions for convenience:

Table of Contents

   basic - WFS Basic Tests
      basicGetCapabilities - GetCapabilities Tests
         getCapabilitiesGet - GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests
         getCapabilitiesPost - GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

      describeFeatureType - DescribeFeatureType Tests
         describeFeatureTypeGet - DescribeFeatureType over HTTP GET Tests
         describeFeatureTypePost - DescribeFeatureType over HTTP POST Tests

      basicGetFeature - GetFeature tests
         basicGetFeatureGet - GetFeature tests (GET)
         basicGetFeaturePost - GetFeature tests (POST)
         basicGetFeatureComplex - GetFeature with complex values tests
            basicGetFeatureComplexGet - GetFeature with complex values tests (GET)
            basicGetFeatureComplexPost - GetFeature with complex values tests (POST)

         basicGetFeatureFilter - GetFeature filter tests
            basicGetFeatureFilterArithmetic - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests
               basicGetFeatureFilterArithmeticGet - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests (GET)
               basicGetFeatureFilterArithmeticPost - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests (POST)

            basicGetFeatureFilterComparison - GetFeature comparison operators tests
               basicGetFeatureFilterComparisonGet - GetFeature comparison operators tests (GET)
               basicGetFeatureFilterComparisonPost - GetFeature comparison operators tests (POST)

            basicGetFeatureFilterLogical - GetFeature logical operators tests
               basicGetFeatureFilterLogicalGet - GetFeature logical operators tests (GET)
               basicGetFeatureFilterLogicalPost - GetFeature logical operators tests (POST)

            basicGetFeatureFilterSpatial - GetFeature spatial operators tests
               basicGetFeatureFilterBBOX - GetFeature bbox operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterBBOXGet - GetFeature bbox operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterBBOXPost - GetFeature bbox operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterBeyond - GetFeature beyond operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterBeyondGet - GetFeature beyond operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterBeyondPost - GetFeature beyond operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterContains - GetFeature contains operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterContainsGet - GetFeature contains operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterContainsPost - GetFeature contains operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterCrosses - GetFeature crosses operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterCrossesGet - GetFeature crosses operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterCrossesPost - GetFeature crosses operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterDisjoint - GetFeature disjoint operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterDisjointGet - GetFeature disjoint operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterDisjointPost - GetFeature disjoint operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterDWithin - GetFeature dwithin operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterDWithinGet - GetFeature dwithin operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterDWithinPost - GetFeature dwithin operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterEquals - GetFeature equals operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterEqualsGet - GetFeature equals operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterEqualsPost - GetFeature equals operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterIntersects - GetFeature Intersect operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterIntersectsGet - GetFeature Intersect operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterIntersectsPost - GetFeature Intersect operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterOverlaps - GetFeature overlaps operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterOverlapsGet - GetFeature overlaps operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterOverlapsPost - GetFeature overlaps operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterTouches - GetFeature touches operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterTouchesGet - GetFeature touches operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterTouchesPost - GetFeature touches operator tests (POST)

               basicGetFeatureFilterWithin - GetFeature within operator tests
                  basicGetFeatureFilterWithinGet - GetFeature within operator tests (GET)
                  basicGetFeatureFilterWithinPost - GetFeature within operator tests (POST)

   transactional - Transactional WFS Tests
      transactionalGetCapabilities - Transactional GetCapabilities Tests
         transactionalGetCapabilitiesGet - Transactional GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests
         transactionalGetCapabilitiesPost - Transactional GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

      transactionalInsert - Insert transaction tests over HTTP POST
      transactionalUpdate - Update transaction tests over HTTP POST
      transactionalDelete - Delete transaction tests over HTTP POST

   lock - Locking WFS Tests
      lockGetCapabilities - Lock GetCapabilities Tests
         lockGetCapabilitiesGet - Lock GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests
         lockGetCapabilitiesPost - Lock GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

      lockLockFeature - LockFeature tests
         lockLockFeatureBasicTransactions - basic transaction LockFeature tests
         lockLockFeatureLockAction - lock action LockFeature tests
         lockLockFeatureLockExpiry - lock expiry LockFeature tests
         lockLockFeatureReleaseAction - release action LockFeature tests

      lockGetFeatureWithLock - GetFeatureWithLock tests
         lockGetFeatureWithLockBasicTransactions - basic transaction GetFeatureWithLock tests
         lockGetFeatureWithLockLockExpiry - lock expiry GetFeatureWithLock tests
         lockGetFeatureWithLockReleaseAction - release action GetFeatureWithLock tests

   multiplenamespaces - Multiple Namespaces WFS Tests
      multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureType - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests
         multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureTypeGet - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests (GET)
         multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureTypePost - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests (POST)

basic - WFS Basic Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetCapabilities - GetCapabilities Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

getCapabilitiesGet - GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/1
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the version number in the request. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 1.0.0. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is the same as the requested version.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/2
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that is greater than the version the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the highest version number that the server supports which is less than the requested version number. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 99.99.99. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is less than 99.99.99.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/3
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that is less than the version the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the lowest version number that the server supports which is greater than the requested version number. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 0.0.0 The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is greater than 0.0.0.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/4
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made without specifying a version number, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the highest version number that it supports. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will noy define a version number. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is greater than 0.0.0 (i.e. a version number was specified).

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/5
Class: A
Text: When a GetCapabilities request is made against basic WFS, the reponse cabilities document must define capabilities entries for the request GetCapabilities for HTTP GET, DescribeFeatureType for HTTP GET or POST and GetFeature for HTTP GET or POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that the capabilities document defines the capabilities requests GetCapabilities for HTTP GET, DescribeFeature for HTTP GET or POST and GetFeature for HTTP GET or POST. This test does not test that the capabilities advertised actually work, this is done in other tests.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/6
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made, the result document must contain a schema description language of XMLSCHEMA for DescribeFeatureType. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the DescribeFeatureType request has a SchemaDescriptionLanguage of XMLSCHEMA.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/7
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made, the result document must contain a result format of GML2 for GetFeature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the GetFeature request has a ResultFormat of GML2.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/get/8
Class: A
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a basic WFS, the result document must define the Query operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Query Operation.

getCapabilitiesPost - GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the version number in the request. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 1.0.0. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is the same as the requested version.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that is greater than the version the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the highest version number that the server supports which is less than the requested version number. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 99.99.99. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is less than 99.99.99.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made for a version number that is less than the version the server supports, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the lowest version number that the server supports which is greater than the requested version number. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will define the version number to be 0.99.99. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is greater than 0.99.99.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made without specifying a version number, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_Capabilities with the version number equal to the highest version number that it supports. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will noy define a version number. The response document will be tested to check that the version number returned in the capabilities document is greater than 0.0.0 (i.e. a version number was specified).

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/5
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a GetCapabilities request is made against basic WFS, the reponse cabilities document must define capabilities entries for the request GetCapabilities for HTTP GET, DescribeFeatureType for HTTP GET or POST and GetFeature for HTTP GET or POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that the capabilities document defines the capabilities requests GetCapabilities for HTTP GET, DescribeFeature for HTTP GET or POST and GetFeature for HTTP GET or POST. This test does not test that the capabilities advertised actually work, this is done in other tests.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/6
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made, the result document must contain a schema description language of XMLSCHEMA for DescribeFeatureType. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the DescribeFeatureType request has a SchemaDescriptionLanguage of XMLSCHEMA.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/7
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made, the result document must contain a result format of GML2 for GetFeature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the GetFeature request has a ResultFormat of GML2.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getcapabilities/post/8
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a basic WFS, the result document must define the Query operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Query Operation.

describeFeatureType - DescribeFeatureType Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

describeFeatureTypeGet - DescribeFeatureType over HTTP GET Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without the outputFormat specified, the result document must be an GML XML Schema document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the outputFormat attribute. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element and that it conforms to the GML rules.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with the outputFormat XMLSCHEMA, the result document must be an GML XML schema document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the outputFormat attribute with the value XMLSCHEMA. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element and that it conforms to the GML rules.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/3
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with an unsupported outputFormat 'DUMMYFORMAT', the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the outputFormat attribute with the value DUMMYFORMAT. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport document.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/4
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without a TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes all feature types served by the WFS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the typeName. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for one feature type for each of the CITE schemas.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/5
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a single TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cgf:Points feature type.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/6
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a multiple TypeNames in the same namespace, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature types. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cgf:Lines. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cdf:Inserts feature types cgf:Points,cgf:Lines.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/8
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a single TypeName that does not exist, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:DummyFeature. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a ogc:ServiceExceptionReport.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/get/9
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with multiple TypeNames with one that does not exist, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cgf:DummyFeature. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a ogc:ServiceExceptionReport.

describeFeatureTypePost - DescribeFeatureType over HTTP POST Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without the outputFormat specified, the result document must be an GML XML Schema document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the outputFormat attribute. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element and that it conforms to the GML rules.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with the outputFormat XMLSCHEMA, the result document must be an GML XML schema document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the outputFormat attribute with the value XMLSCHEMA. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element and that it conforms to the GML rules.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/3
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with an unsupported outputFormat 'DUMMYFORMAT', the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport document. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the outputFormat attribute with the value DUMMYFORMAT. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport document.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/4
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without a TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes all feature types served by the WFS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the typeName. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for one feature type for each of the CITE schemas.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/5
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a single TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cgf:Points feature type.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/6
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a multiple TypeNames in the same namespace, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature types. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cgf:Lines. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cdf:Inserts feature types cgf:Points,cgf:Lines.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/8
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a single TypeName that does not exist, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:DummyFeature. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a ogc:ServiceExceptionReport.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/describefeaturetype/post/9
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with multiple TypeNames with one that does not exist, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cgf:DummyFeature. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a ogc:ServiceExceptionReport.

basicGetFeature - GetFeature tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureGet - GetFeature tests (GET)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with the output format GML2 returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with no output format defined returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/3
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with an non supported output format defined returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used. Vendor specific formats (including non-XML and binary formats), declared in the capabilities document are also possible.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/4
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns the specified and all the mandatory properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: In the event that a WFS encounters a query that does not select all mandatory properties of a feature, the WFS will internally augment the property name list to include all necessary property names.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/5
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that they query for the feature type cdf:Fifteen returns all 15 features in the database. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: If no "Filter" element is contained within the "Query" element, then the query is unconstrained and all feature instances should be retrieved.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/6
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven returns all 15 With an unsupported output format and 7 features in the database. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "GetFeature" element contains one or more "Query"; elements, each of which in turn contain the description of a query. The results of all queries contained in a GetFeature request are concatenated to produce the result set.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/7
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that they query for the feature type cdf:Fifteen with a maxFeatures of 10 returns only 10 items. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional maxFeatures attribute can be used to limit the number of features that a GetFeature request retrieves. Once the maxFeatures limit is reached, the result set is truncated at that point.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/8
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven with a maxFeatures of 20 returns 15 and 5 features respectively. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional maxFeatures attribute can be used to limit the number of features that a GetFeature request retrieves. Once the maxFeatures limit is reached, the result set is truncated at that point.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/9
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: If no "PropertyName" elements are specified, then all feature properties should be fetched.Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven with a maxFeatures of 20 returns 15 and 5 features respectively.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/get/10
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "PropertyName" element is used to enumerate the feature properties that should be selected during a query and whose values should be included in the response to a GetFeature request.

basicGetFeaturePost - GetFeature tests (POST)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with the output format GML2 returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with no output format defined returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/3
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that a GetFeature request with no output format defined returns a wfs:FeatureCollection with GML data. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The outputFormat attribute defines the format to use to generate the result set. The default value is GML2 indicating that GML [2] shall be used. Vendor specific formats (including non-XML and binary formats), declared in the capabilities document are also possible.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/4
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns the specified and all the mandatory properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: In the event that a WFS encounters a query that does not select all mandatory properties of a feature, the WFS will internally augment the property name list to include all necessary property names.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/5
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that they query for the feature type cdf:Fifteen returns all 15 features in the database. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: If no "Filter" element is contained within the "Query" element, then the query is unconstrained and all feature instances should be retrieved.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/6
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven returns all 15 With an unsupported output format and 7 features in the database. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "GetFeature" element contains one or more "Query"; elements, each of which in turn contain the description of a query. The results of all queries contained in a GetFeature request are concatenated to produce the result set.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/7
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that they query for the feature type cdf:Fifteen with a maxFeatures of 10 returns only 10 items. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional maxFeatures attribute can be used to limit the number of features that a GetFeature request retrieves. Once the maxFeatures limit is reached, the result set is truncated at that point.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/8
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven with a maxFeatures of 20 returns 15 and 5 features respectively. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional maxFeatures attribute can be used to limit the number of features that a GetFeature request retrieves. Once the maxFeatures limit is reached, the result set is truncated at that point.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/9
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: If no "PropertyName" elements are specified, then all feature properties should be fetched.Test that they query for the feature types cdf:Fifteen and cdf:Seven with a maxFeatures of 20 returns 15 and 5 features respectively.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/post/10
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type cdf:Other returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "PropertyName" element is used to enumerate the feature properties that should be selected during a query and whose values should be included in the response to a GetFeature request.

basicGetFeatureComplex - GetFeature with complex values tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureComplexGet - GetFeature with complex values tests (GET)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with a property name with a numerical predicate, the result document must contain the property with that index. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request includes a property name with a numerical xpath predicate to return the second value of the repeated resident property. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature returned contains the value 'Beth'.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a numerical predicate and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Each step in the path may optionally contain a predicate composed of the predicate delimiters '[' and ']' and a number indicating which child of the context node is to be selected. This allows feature properties that may be repeated to be specifically referenced. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type ccf:Complex returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "PropertyName" element is used to enumerate the feature properties that should be selected during a query and whose values should be included in the response to a GetFeature request.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with an attribute axis and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The final step in a path may optionally be composed of the abbreviated form of the attribute:: axis specifier, '@', and the name of a feature property encoded as the principal node type of attribute. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with an attribute axis to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The final step in a path may optionally be composed of the abbreviated form of the attribute:: axis specifier, '@', and the name of a feature property encoded as the principal node type of attribute. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a single step in the path to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a single step in the path and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a multiple steps in the path to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Relative location paths are composed of one or more steps separated by the path separator '/'.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a multiple steps in the path and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Relative location paths are composed of one or more steps separated by the path separator '/'.

basicGetFeatureComplexPost - GetFeature with complex values tests (POST)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with a property name with a numerical predicate, the result document must contain the property with that index. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a property name with a numerical xpath predicate to return the second value of the repeated resident property. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature returned contains the value 'Beth'.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a numerical predicate and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Each step in the path may optionally contain a predicate composed of the predicate delimiters '[' and ']' and a number indicating which child of the context node is to be selected. This allows feature properties that may be repeated to be specifically referenced. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that getting the single feature of type ccf:Complex returns all of the properties defined in the schema for that feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The "PropertyName" element is used to enumerate the feature properties that should be selected during a query and whose values should be included in the response to a GetFeature request.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with an attribute axis and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The final step in a path may optionally be composed of the abbreviated form of the attribute:: axis specifier, '@', and the name of a feature property encoded as the principal node type of attribute. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with an attribute axis to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The final step in a path may optionally be composed of the abbreviated form of the attribute:: axis specifier, '@', and the name of a feature property encoded as the principal node type of attribute. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a single step in the path to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a single step in the path and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a multiple steps in the path to check that the property is returned. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Relative location paths are composed of one or more steps separated by the path separator '/'.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/complexvalue/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test requests a PropertyName with a multiple steps in the path and the feature prefix to check that the property is returned. The first step of a relative location path may correspond to the root element of the feature property being referenced or to the root element of the feature type with the next step corresponding to the root element of the feature property being referenced. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Relative location paths are composed of one or more steps separated by the path separator '/'.

basicGetFeatureFilter - GetFeature filter tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterArithmetic - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterArithmeticGet - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test adding the two literals 4 & 3 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation of addition and contains the arguments which can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test subtracting the two literals 10 & 3 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation of subtraction where the second argument is subtracted from the first. The element contains the argument when can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test multiplying the property cdf:integers by 1 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation multiplication. The element contains the two argument to be multiplied which can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test dividing the property cdf:integers by 1 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The
element encodes the operation of division where the first argument is divided by the second argument. The
element contains the arguments which can be any valid expression that validates according to this specification. The second argument or expression cannot evaluate to zero.
basicGetFeatureFilterArithmeticPost - GetFeature arithmetic operators tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test adding the two literals 4 & 3 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation of addition and contains the arguments which can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test subtracting the two literals 10 & 3 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation of subtraction where the second argument is subtracted from the first. The element contains the argument when can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test multiplying the property cdf:integers by 1 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes the operation multiplication. The element contains the two argument to be multiplied which can be any expression that validates according to this specification.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/arithmeticoperators/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test dividing the property cdf:integers by 1 is equal to 7 the value of the cdf:integers property of the desired feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The
element encodes the operation of division where the first argument is divided by the second argument. The
element contains the arguments which can be any valid expression that validates according to this specification. The second argument or expression cannot evaluate to zero.

basicGetFeatureFilterComparison - GetFeature comparison operators tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterComparisonGet - GetFeature comparison operators tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,>=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set <=,<,>,>=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThan operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value less than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThan operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value less than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/13
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/14
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/15
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/16
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/17
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/18
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLike operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. The pattern is defined by a combination of regular characters, the wildCard character, the singleChar character, and the escapeChar character. The wildCard character matches zero or more characters. The singleChar character matches exactly one character. The escapeChar character is used to escape the meaning of the wildCard, singleChar and escapeChar itself.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/19
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. The pattern is defined by a combination of regular characters, the wildCard character, the singleChar character, and the escapeChar character. The wildCard character matches zero or more characters. The singleChar character matches exactly one character. The escapeChar character is used to escape the meaning of the wildCard, singleChar and escapeChar itself.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/20
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/21
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a date comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/22
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null string property gml:name. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/23
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null string property gml:name. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/24
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null date property cdf:dates. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/25
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null geometry property gml:pointProperty. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Theelement encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.
basicGetFeatureFilterComparisonPost - GetFeature comparison operators tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is defined as a compact way of encoding a range check. The lower and upper boundary values are inclusive.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the boundary values set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,>=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value set to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set <=,<,>,>=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThan operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value less than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThan operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value less than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/13
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/14
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value greater than the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/15
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/16
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/17
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the correct feature for a date comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/18
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsLike operator returns the correct feature for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. The pattern is defined by a combination of regular characters, the wildCard character, the singleChar character, and the escapeChar character. The wildCard character matches zero or more characters. The singleChar character matches exactly one character. The escapeChar character is used to escape the meaning of the wildCard, singleChar and escapeChar itself.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/19
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a string comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. The pattern is defined by a combination of regular characters, the wildCard character, the singleChar character, and the escapeChar character. The wildCard character matches zero or more characters. The singleChar character matches exactly one character. The escapeChar character is used to escape the meaning of the wildCard, singleChar and escapeChar itself.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/20
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a number comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/21
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNotEqualTo operator returns the no features for a date comparisson with the value equal to the expected value of the property. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The Common Catalog Query Language [4] defines a standard set of comparison operators. In addition to the standard set (=,<,>,<=,<=,<>) of comparison operators, this specification defines the elements , and .

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/22
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null string property gml:name. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/23
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null string property gml:name. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/24
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null date property cdf:dates. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/post/25
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: This test checks that the PropertyIsNull operator returns the single NullFeature that has a null geometry property gml:pointProperty. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Theelement encodes an operator that checks to see if the value of its content is NULL. A NULL is equivalent to no value present. The value 0 is a valid value and is not considered NULL.

basicGetFeatureFilterLogical - GetFeature logical operators tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterLogicalGet - GetFeature logical operators tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns true if both arguments are true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if the first argument is true and the second is false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if the first argument is false and the second is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if both arguments are false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns true if both arguments are true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns true if the first argument is true and the second is false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns false if the first argument is false and the second is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns false if both arguments are false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Not operator returns false if the argument is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • null
Text: Test that the Not operator returns false if the argument is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.
basicGetFeatureFilterLogicalPost - GetFeature logical operators tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns true if both arguments are true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if the first argument is true and the second is false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if the first argument is false and the second is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the And operator returns false if both arguments are false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns true if both arguments are true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns true if the first argument is true and the second is false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns false if the first argument is false and the second is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Or operator returns false if both arguments are false. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Not operator returns false if the argument is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/logicaloperators/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: Test that the Not operator returns false if the argument is true. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A logical operator can be used to combine one or more conditional expressions. The logical operator AND evaluates to TRUE if all the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The operator OR operator evaluates to TRUE is any of the combined expressions evaluate to TRUE. The NOT operator reverses the logical value of an expression.

basicGetFeatureFilterSpatial - GetFeature spatial operators tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterBBOX - GetFeature bbox operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterBBOXGet - GetFeature bbox operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/13
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/14
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/15
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/16
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/17
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/18
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterBBOXPost - GetFeature bbox operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that completely encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that partially encloses the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/13
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/14
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/15
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/16
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/17
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/18
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the BBOX spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the BBOX spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a BBox that is outside the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator BBOX with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterBeyond - GetFeature beyond operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterBeyondGet - GetFeature beyond operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterBeyondPost - GetFeature beyond operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/beyond/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Beyond spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Beyond spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Beyond with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterContains - GetFeature contains operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterContainsGet - GetFeature contains operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is beyond the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that equals the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that dosen't match the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that equals the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that dosen't match the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the part of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is not the complete part of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the part of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is not enclosed by the search feature., the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is inside of or equals the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is outside of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is same as the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterContainsPost - GetFeature contains operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is beyond the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that equals the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that dosen't match the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that equals the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that dosen't match the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the part of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is not the complete part of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the part of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is not enclosed by the search feature., the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is inside of or equals the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is outside of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/contains/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Contains spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Contains spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is same as the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Contains with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterCrosses - GetFeature crosses operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterCrossesGet - GetFeature crosses operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that dosen't equals the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is not the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that intersects with the search feature and dosen't equal this search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that intersects with the search feature and dosen't equal it, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is not the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterCrossesPost - GetFeature crosses operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that dosen't equals the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is not the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that intersects with the search feature and dosen't equal this search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that intersects with the search feature and dosen't equal it, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is not the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/crosses/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Crosses spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Crosses spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Crosses with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterDisjoint - GetFeature disjoint operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterDisjointGet - GetFeature disjoint operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterDisjointPost - GetFeature disjoint operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/disjoint/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Disjoint spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Disjoint spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Disjoint with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterDWithin - GetFeature dwithin operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterDWithinGet - GetFeature dwithin operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterDWithinPost - GetFeature dwithin operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a LineString that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/dwithin/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the DWithin spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the DWithin spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is more than 10 metres away from the search feature and a distance of 10 metres, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator DWithin with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterEquals - GetFeature equals operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterEqualsGet - GetFeature equals operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterEqualsPost - GetFeature equals operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/equals/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Equals spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Equals spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Equals with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterIntersects - GetFeature Intersect operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterIntersectsGet - GetFeature Intersect operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineStringt that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineStringt that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search featurees, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterIntersectsPost - GetFeature Intersect operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineStringt that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineStringt that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultLineString that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search featurees, the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/intersects/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Intersects spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Intersects spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Intersects with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterOverlaps - GetFeature overlaps operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterOverlapsGet - GetFeature overlaps operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature and without any intersection with it. , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the portion of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature and without any intersection with it. , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the portion of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that dosen't intersect with the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that overlaps with the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that dosen't intersect with the search feature., the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that intersects with the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterOverlapsPost - GetFeature overlaps operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different from the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the different from the search feature and without any intersection with it. , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the portion of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the different from the search feature and without any intersection with it. , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the portion of the search feature, the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that dosen't intersect with the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that overlaps with the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that dosen't intersect with the search feature., the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/overlaps/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Overlaps spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Overlaps spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that intersects with the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Overlaps with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterTouches - GetFeature touches operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterTouchesGet - GetFeature touches operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different point feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature. , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that touches the search ferature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that dosen't equal the search feature and it intersects with the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that touches the search feature along a boundary., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that touches the search feature along a boundary, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterTouchesPost - GetFeature touches operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the different point feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the different from the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the same as the search feature. , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LingString that touches the search ferature, the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that is the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is a MultiLineString that dosen't equal the search feature and it intersects with the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that touches the search feature along a boundary., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is the same as the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/touches/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Touches spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Touches spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that touches the search feature along a boundary, the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Touches with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterWithin - GetFeature within operator tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

basicGetFeatureFilterWithinGet - GetFeature within operator tests (GET)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is not the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is not the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is not inside of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the portion of the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is MultiLineString that is beyond the search feature. , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is MultiLineString that is the portion of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is outside of the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is inside of the polygon feature., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon is outside of the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/get/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP GET.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is inside of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.
basicGetFeatureFilterWithinPost - GetFeature within operator tests (POST)
ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is not the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:pointProperty on a cgf:Points comparing a value that is a Point that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0000. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is not the same as the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPointProperty on a cgf:MPoints comparing a value that is a MultiPoint that is the same as the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0003. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/5
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is not inside of the search feature , the result document must not match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/6
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:lineStringProperty on a cgf:Lines comparing a value that is a LineString that is the portion of the search feature , the result document must match the feature t0001. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/7
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is MultiLineString that is beyond the search feature. , the result document must not match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/8
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiLineStringProperty on a cgf:MLines comparing a value that is MultiLineString that is the portion of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0004. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/9
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is outside of the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/10
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:polygonProperty on a cgf:Polygons comparing a value that is a Polygon that is inside of the polygon feature., the result document must match the feature t0002. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/11
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon is outside of the search feature, the result document must not match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is not contained within the result feature collection.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/within/post/12
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports the Within spatial operator.
Text: When a wfs:GetFeature request with the Within spatial operator applied to a gml:multiPolygonProperty on a cgf:MPolygons comparing a value that is a MultiPolygon that is inside of the search feature., the result document must match the feature t0005. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: This test issues a wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include a filter with the spatial operator Within with the specified feature and geometry value. The response document will be tested to check that the search feature is contained within the result feature collection.

transactional - Transactional WFS Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

transactionalGetCapabilities - Transactional GetCapabilities Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

transactionalGetCapabilitiesGet - Transactional GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/get/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that it defines the capabilities requests for Transaction for HTTP POST.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/get/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Insert Operation.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/get/3
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Update Operation.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/get/4
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Delete Operation.

transactionalGetCapabilitiesPost - Transactional GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that it defines the capabilities requests for Transaction for HTTP POST.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Insert Operation.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/post/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Update Operation.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/getcapabilities/post/4
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Delete Operation.

transactionalInsert - Insert transaction tests over HTTP POST

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/insert/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is used to create new feature instances. The initial state of a feature to be created is expressed using GML and must validate relative to a GML application schema generated by the DescribeFeatureType operation [sec. 8]. Multiple elements can be enclosed in a single Transaction request and multiple feature instances can be created using a single element

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/insert/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is used to create new feature instances. The initial state of a feature to be created is expressed using GML and must validate relative to a GML application schema generated by the DescribeFeatureType operation [sec. 8]. Multiple elements can be enclosed in a single Transaction request and multiple feature instances can be created using a single element.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/insert/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The element is used to create new feature instances. The initial state of a feature to be created is expressed using GML and must validate relative to a GML application schema generated by the DescribeFeatureType operation [sec. 8]. Multiple elements can be enclosed in a single Transaction request and multiple feature instances can be created using a single element

transactionalUpdate - Update transaction tests over HTTP POST

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/update/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Update]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Update request to update the cdf:Updates with the cdf:id = tu0001. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure the feature is returned with the correct value.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/update/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Update]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Update request to update the cdf:Updates with the cdf:id = tu0002 & tu0003. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure the feature is returned with the correct value.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/update/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Update]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Update request to update the cdf:Updates with the cdf:id = tu0004 & DUMMYFEATUREID. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure the feature is returned with the correct value.

transactionalDelete - Delete transaction tests over HTTP POST

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/delete/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Delete]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Delete request to delete the cdf:Deletes with the cdf:id = td0001. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure no features are returned.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/delete/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Delete]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Delete request to delete the cdf:Deletes with the cdf:id = NONEXISTINGFEATUREID. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure no features are returned.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/transactional/transaction/delete/3
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS Transaction operations over HTTP POST.
  • The Server supports WFS GetFeature operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section Transaction.Delete]
Note: This test issues a wfs:Transaction request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request includes a Delete request to delete the cdf:Deletes with the cdf:id = td0002 & td0003. The response will be checked to ensure it has a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse/wfs:Status/wfs:SUCCESS. A wfs:GetFeature request using HTTP POST is sent to the server to request the features with the same filter, the response document will be checked to ensure no features are returned.

lock - Locking WFS Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

lockGetCapabilities - Lock GetCapabilities Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

lockGetCapabilitiesGet - Lock GetCapabilities over HTTP GET Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getcapabilities/get/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS LockFeature and GetFeatureWithLock operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a locking WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests LockFeature or GetFeatureWithLock for HTTP POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that it defines the capabilities requests for LockFeature or GetFeatureWithLock for HTTP POST.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getcapabilities/get/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS LockFeature and GetFeatureWithLock operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a locking WFS, the result document must define the Lock operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Lock Operation.

lockGetCapabilitiesPost - Lock GetCapabilities over HTTP POST Tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getcapabilities/post/1
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS LockFeature and GetFeatureWithLock operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a locking WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests LockFeature or GetFeatureWithLock for HTTP POST. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The response document will be tested to check that it defines the capabilities requests for LockFeature or GetFeatureWithLock for HTTP POST.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getcapabilities/post/2
Class: C
  • The Server supports WFS LockFeature and GetFeatureWithLock operations over HTTP POST.
  • null
Text: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a locking WFS, the result document must define the Lock operation either globally or for at least one feature type. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section GetCapabilities]
Note: This test issues a GetCapabilities request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test.The response document will be tested to check that the global FeatureTypeList or at least one FeatureType defines the Lock Operation.

lockLockFeature - LockFeature tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

lockLockFeatureBasicTransactions - basic transaction LockFeature tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional "LockId" element is used to specify that the transaction will be applied to previously locked set of feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/5
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional "LockId" element is used to specify that the transaction will be applied to previously locked set of feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/basictransactions/6
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

lockLockFeatureLockAction - lock action LockFeature tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockaction/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: In response to a LockFeature request, a web feature service shall generate an XML document. This document will contain a lock identifier that a client application can use in subsequent WFS operations to operate upon the set of locked feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockaction/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional lockAction attribute is used to control how feature locks are acquired. A lock action of ALL indicates that a web feature service should try to acquire a lock on all requested feature instances. If all feature instances cannot be locked, then the operation should fail, and no feature instances should remain locked.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockaction/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: If the lock action is set to SOME, then a web feature service shall attempt to lock as many of the requested feature instances as it can.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockaction/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The default lock action shall be ALL. Section 10.2.2 presents a state machine for the LockFeature operation.

lockLockFeatureLockExpiry - lock expiry LockFeature tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockexpiry/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockexpiry/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes. Once the specified number of minutes have elapsed, a web feature service may release the lock if it exists. Any further transactions issued against that lock using a lock identifier generated by the service will fail.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockexpiry/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/lockexpiry/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes. Once the specified number of minutes have elapsed, a web feature service may release the lock if it exists. Any further transactions issued against that lock using a lock identifier generated by the service will fail.

lockLockFeatureReleaseAction - release action LockFeature tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/5
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/6
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified :LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/7
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/8
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/9
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/10
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/11
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/lockfeature/releaseaction/12
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

lockGetFeatureWithLock - GetFeatureWithLock tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

lockGetFeatureWithLockBasicTransactions - basic transaction GetFeatureWithLock tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional "LockId" element is used to specify that the transaction will be applied to previously locked set of feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/5
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The optional "LockId" element is used to specify that the transaction will be applied to previously locked set of feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/basictransactions/6
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: N/A

lockGetFeatureWithLockLockExpiry - lock expiry GetFeatureWithLock tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/lockexpiry/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/lockexpiry/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes. Once the specified number of minutes have elapsed, a web feature service may release the lock if it exists. Any further transactions issued against that lock using a lock identifier generated by the service will fail.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/lockexpiry/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/lockexpiry/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: The expiry attribute is used to set a limit on how long a web feature service should hold a lock on feature instances in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock. The expiry limit is specified in minutes. Once the specified number of minutes have elapsed, a web feature service may release the lock if it exists. Any further transactions issued against that lock using a lock identifier generated by the service will fail.

lockGetFeatureWithLockReleaseAction - release action GetFeatureWithLock tests

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/1
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/2
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/3
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/4
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/5
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/6
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified :LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/7
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/8
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/9
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/10
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/11
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: A value of SOME indicates that only the locks on feature instances modified by the transaction should be released. The other, unmodified, feature instances should remain locked using the same "LockId" so that subsequent transactions can operate on those feature instances.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/lock/getfeaturewithlock/releaseaction/12
Class: C
Scope: null
Text: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0]
Note: Assuming that a WFS implementation supports the optional LockFeature and/or GetFeatureWithLock operations, the releaseAction attribute is used to control how locked features are treated when a transaction request is completed. A value of ALL indicates that the locks on all feature instances locked using the specified "LockId" should be released when the transaction completes, regardless of whether or not a particular feature instance in the locked set was actually operated upon.

multiplenamespaces - Multiple Namespaces WFS Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureType - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests

There are no testable assertions in this section.

multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureTypeGet - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests (GET)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/multiplenamespaces/describefeaturetype/get/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a multiple TypeNames in different namespaces, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature types. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cdf:Other. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cdf:Inserts feature types cgf:Points,cdf:Other.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/multiplenamespaces/describefeaturetype/get/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP GET.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without a TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes all feature types served by the WFS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section KVP.DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP GET to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the typeName. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for one feature type for each of the CITE schemas.

multiplenamespacesDescribeFeatureTypePost - Multiple Namespaces DescribeFeatureType Tests (POST)

ID: wfs/1.0.0/multiplenamespaces/describefeaturetype/post/1
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made with a multiple TypeNames in different namespaces, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes the specified feature types. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will include the typeName cgf:Points,cdf:Other. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for cdf:Inserts feature types cgf:Points,cdf:Other.

ID: wfs/1.0.0/multiplenamespaces/describefeaturetype/post/2
Class: C
Scope: The Server supports WFS DescribeFeatureType operations over HTTP POST.
Text: When a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request is made without a TypeName, the result document must be an GML XML schema document that describes all feature types served by the WFS. [OpenGISB. Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.0.0 section DescribeFeatureType]
Note: This test issues a wfs:DescribeFeatureType request using HTTP POST to the WFS server under test. The request will not include the typeName. The response document will be tested to check that the root element is a xs:schema element, it conforms to the GML rules and contains definitions for one feature type for each of the CITE schemas.